
Family Session | Wright Family

This family session marked my first trip to Athens, GA. . . the first, I hope, of many more to come.

I was thrilled to pull up to the location and see the Wright family decked out in The Loft/Target-esque clothing, with the trunk of their SUV stuffed with scarves and hats and props. I could tell already that they were as excited as I was about these pictures! Their girls were a CHARM... so easy to work with, and even more easy to genuinely capture. It was probably one of my longer family sessions, but we made it through thanks to a little dance breakout mid-way. :)

Thank you so much, Carmen and family, for blessing me with the opportunity to capture your smiles. I am in LOVE with these pictures, and know they will be a lifetime treasure for you.


Their goofy face choice was "surprise!"... adorable.

{So cute.}

{Dance time!}

{This picture is somewhat somber, but I just love the composition. The lighting on her face, the hat in the background. It worked out swell.}

{Love these last ones... so much.}

Absolutely love the shot on the right.

Have a wonderful week, my friends. Look out for more posts coming soon!

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  1. !!!

    These are so wonderful Haley. I can't believe how fantastic you are.

  2. Aw! Beth! That means SOOOO much to me! Can't wait for Sunday! :)

  3. this is so weird that you took these pics. because carmen's mom is good friends with my mom. tyler and i have gone to lunch with them a few times when i was in athens visiting! love them. they are such a beautiful family!
