

First things first, I would like to address why posts have been minimal lately.

(A) I am 5 weddings into a 16 wedding marathon! Fall is the busiest time of the year for me--this year more than any prior! I am having a blast doing what I love, hanging onto my deadlines by a hair, and trying my absolute best to maintain everything in the balance (husband, family, church, friends, etc.)!
(B) Working on a MacBook Pro is fabulous... (Rest in peace, Steve Jobs). There are times, however, when this sweet piece of aluminum needs some TLC. With all of the processing running through this baby, I've been working on adding some RAM, spending time with Apple Customer Service on how to optimize it's performance, etc. It turns out the cord to my external hard drive was worn and I simply needed a new one. Still adding RAM soon, but I received my new cord in the mail today and I am up and running at a normal pace again--it feels great!

Thank you all SO MUCH for your kindness and patience! I promise to hold tight to integrity and quality, as is the standard for my business.

Jes is stunning and oh-so-photogenic (she also has one of the sweetest demeanors I have ever encountered). The sun was so incredibly friendly on the day of her session and, bearing the gnats and itchy grass, we couldn't have asked for better landscape to work with.

As Jes began rummaging through her attire in her trunk, I could have squealed with excitement--a girl after my own heart. It is so strange being old enough to say this, but Jes truly reminds me of myself during my senior year of high school. We could have talked for hours about shopping at thrift stores, helping the world, trying to avoid the drama that so prominently exists in a teenage life.

I hope you all enjoy these pictures as much as I do. I love when props are minimal and the beauty of your subject and nature are enough to create a work of art!

Enjoy, friends. I've missed you all.

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