

When Heather contacted me saying "It's that time of year again!" I responded with "Yeah, it's been two years!" Truth was--it was just last summer that I took the Schofill's family pictures--which is a pretty epic realization to come to! I remember wanting to grow my portfolio by trying out some more family pictures, so I approached Heather about allowing me to do their session. I can remember the state-of-mind I was in, as well as the state-of-quality in my work. I am blown away by how much I have learned in just a year. Whatever you do--DO NOT go back that far in my archive! Totally kidding, actually. I have the power to delete my old posts--and trust me, there are certainly days when I want to--but I think it's good to see how far I've come in just a year. I know I always say it, but I will keep on reaching for the stars.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might
Ecclesiastes 9:10

I can only imagine how parents feel. It was crazy seeing the girls dressed and ready for the session--and remembering just how tiny they seemed last year!

Time flies.


Heather and Paul, you truly are an exceptional family. The love of Christ just radiates from each of you--so kind and giving. Your girls are sugar and spice and everything nice to their core... I love their girliness! You are so visibly doing an incredible job as parents--setting an example to those around you. I know we all wish we could stop time if just for a day, but as your girls continue to grow, I pray that the Lord would be a hedge of protection around their hearts. I pray that the very same joy they radiated at our session would be carried with them as they journey throughout life. I pray God's richest blessings on your family: love, wisdom, patience... and everything else that He solely supplies.

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