
Creative Session | Rebecca Cerasani

Rebecca Cerasani is a beautiful soul. Truly. She has one of the most contagious laughs you could imagine, and carries a spirit of joy everywhere she goes.

Rebecca is an excellent photographer, who has utilized her years of photographic expertise to hone-in on executing some of the best photo-journalistic Wedding Photography in Central Georgia {and beyond!}. You can view her work here!

When Rebecca contacted me to do a super, extra girlie session, I could not have been more ecstatic! Really. She knows what I love--classy vintage dresses, floral teacups, pearls, lace, pink. I really couldn't ask for a better client. Everything she does, even her modeling, is saturated with a spirit of excellence.

I could not be more happy with these pictures. All of the benefits of being a girl are just displayed so wonderfully throughout this session.

To my future clients (Seniors, Couples, Models): know that the sky is the limit. Creativity shows no end. If you can dream it for a session, we can find a way to make it happen! {And this session is proof!}

Enjoy, my friends. ♥

{And my favorite from the session! ♥}

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