
Life | {pause}.

this weekend was bittersweet. i lost my poppy (grandfather) on friday evening. he had been battling leukemia for decades now, and struggled through the worst of it the past couple of months. he was a wonderful man: a hard worker, and the most loving grandpa i could ask for... from day one of my life, i hear.

God has been rich in peace and comfort, though. and in such a difficult season to digest, the company of family and friends has been most enriching.

needless to say, this has brought a pause to my work, which has been refreshing. i still wanted to show you all what is coming up soon, so here is a sample of what i've been working on.

{thank you again to friends and family. your love has been a beautiful gift.}

Ariel Reynolds | Artistic Senior Session

Heather Martin | Senior Session

Mayla | Baby Session

Cari Scott | Creative Portrait Session

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  1. Love you Haley! These are great. :) Praying for you.

  2. these are awesome! i can't wait for mine! i love you! we're praying for you!

  3. so sorry about your loss! thinking about you and praying for you. these pictures are wonderful, as ever!
