

The weekend is dawning, and one of the most important holidays is merely two days away.

Whether a mother, grandmother, stepmother, mentor, or friend, hug the mother in your life this weekend. Let them know what an impact they've made. Let them know how--amidst the chaos of life--you remain grateful for the relationship God has given you with them. Let them know they are appreciated, respected, and loved in return.


To the best mother I could ask for,
Lord knows
I couldn't be a busier person. Week after week, I'm left feeling scatter-brained, overwhelmed, and busier than I ever intended to be. You know this is how I've been since--say--sixteen. Seasons have changed, responsibilities have shifted, and I'm now married and learning what it's like to be an adult. No matter the chaos that life brings, no matter the challenges, no matter how many times I forget to call or text, no matter how distracted... I can always come back to the love of my mom. Thank you for the daily phone calls. Thank you for the years of encouragement and guidance. Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you  for believing in me like no one else ever could. Thank you for all of your advice. Thank you for last-minute sushi lunches and Starbucks coffees. Thank you for being so forgiving. Thank you  for your comfort in the hard seasons. Thank you for your squeals of excitement celebrating the landmarks in my life. Thank you for your hugs after Sunday morning services. Thank you for reminding me of the plans the Lord has in store--for reminding me of the 23 years of my life that His Hand has been so evident. Thank you for the prayers I heard and the countless prayers I didn't. Thank you  for getting to know the funky adult I've become--starting with my thrift shopping/theater/scrunched hair days in high school and leading into my photographer/wife/worship-leader days now (I'd venture to say I'm just as weird... perhaps more so). Thank you for loving my husband like he is your son. Thank you for the random texts to let me know you love me. Thank you for creating a home full of love and life. Thank you for everything I wouldn't even know to thank you for.

You mean the world to me, momma. I couldn't be a more grateful daughter. You are my greatest admirer, my close friend, and the person I can always call for advice. I love you so much.

Enjoy your weekend, friends. Thank the mother in your life. She deserves it.

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