

My last wedding of 2011.

And I seriously could not have asked for a more wonderful couple to celebrate the occasion with. Summer and Ben are world-changers. I don't say this lightly. I immediately felt lifted by the demeanor of Christ that they carried so strongly with them... first, just Summer, when we met for the consultation. But then, on their wedding day, the two of them together radiated the Love of Christ. These are all really big words. Huge compliments. Affectionate descriptions. But I mean it. I'd venture to say I've never seen two people so pure of heart united in love, founded on Christ.

I have to give big credit to my FABULOUS second shooter, Jessica Barley of a darling day. I couldn't have asked for a better partner in work. I'm so excited God has crossed our paths. You are amazing.


Summer and Ben,
Let me reiterate--I mean every word. Your wedding took place one week after a life-altering tragedy, and you--ON YOUR WEDDING DAY--ministered so much joy and love to me... your photographer. The Love of Christ has no bounds. December 17th, 2011, God used a bride and groom to send inexplicable joy and peace to me in a much needed time. Thank you for surrendering your lives to God. I may not know your history with Him or with each other, but I know for sure that if you continue to surrender your hearts and lives to Him, you will change the world around you. Thank you for the opportunity to capture such a precious day. It was an honor to celebrate alongside you what the Lord has brought to both a finality and a beginning. I pray His very best over your life.

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  1. Such a beautiful wedding! The shot with the dress in the woods made me gasp! So lovely! :)

  2. OMGosh! I felt like I was at the ceremony! You did a wonderful job capturing such pure emotion, Haley! They are gorgeous, all of them. I so admire your work! Great work, as always.
