
Senior Session | Jenna

So, I have this perception/perspective that is somewhat hard to put into words, but it's so dear to my heart that I feel like I at least have to try.

Although some may perceive this as pathetic, nearly EVERY TIME I am contacted with a photography inquiry--whether a wedding, senior session, engagement session, model portfolio--I get this huge grin on my face. Often times, this grin precedes an interesting {squealing, jumping, shaking-my-hips} dance across the carpet (if I have the luxury of not having an audience in this moment).

You see, I am just so incredibly amazed at what the Lord has given me these past couple of years. Every single client I receive might as well be a giant hug from the Lord, and I am humbled and overjoyed at the idea that He would entrust me with capturing His Creation. {My husband could tell you of the innumerable times I have halted everything to say, yet again, OH MY GOSH, I GOT ANOTHER WEDDING! Seriously, this is still my reaction after having booked over 30 weddings in the past two years alone.}

This blessing often comes in a two-fold package. Booking the client in and of itself is a tremendous, honoring experience. However, there are so many instances in which I arrive at the wedding or photo session and know, in an instant, that this session was hand-crafted specifically for my capturing it. God really knows my heart--He knows the creativity that I long for, the little details that make me all giddy inside, and He even knows something as simple as my "style". {He did create me, after all}.

Anyway, when Jenna's mother contacted me for a Senior Session, I can not even begin to tell you how excited I was. Senior Sessions are right in there with weddings for me--I LOVE them.  When I arrived at the session and began to work with Jenna, I got so excited for the final product. She began to pull out these adorable floral dresses, and I seriously could have squealed. {Although I do believe in maintaining professionalism in front of my clients, I have no qualms at all in expressing my excitement for their pictures.}

I am so grateful that the Lord knows what makes my heart smile, and this session was definitely one of those experiences.

Thanks, everyone, for reading this long entry and for allowing me the opportunity to really open up to you. I love giving you the opportunity to take a glimpse behind the camera. ;)

Thank you, Jenna, for being awesome. You are a beautiful young woman, and I can only imagine that you have wonderful things ahead of you. Reach for the stars.

And, now, for the pictures. Enjoy, friends. {♥}

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  1. You are so amazing! Thank you so much! :)

  2. Wow - my baby sister is all grown up and lovely. You captured her! Love them!
