

You all know, I write a lot. All. The. Time.

It's few and far between that I use the whole "pictures speak louder than words" cop-out.

That being said, there's nothing I could really say to prepare you for how tremendously swoon-worthy this session is.

Belen is hands-down one of the closest people to me. It was an honor to be able to capture her and Brice (also one of my best friends) in such an incredible season of their marriage! Belen also happens to be a SUPER talented photographer, so head on over and check her work out here.


Belen and Brice,
I know that you know that I love you guys. What I know that you don't know is how incredibly awesome you two are. Individually and as one, you are world-changers and some of the very best friends I could ask for. Belen, you have become my closest friend. We can talk about anything, and we relate on SO much. Our friendship is absolutely priceless to me, and you could never know what a treasure you've been! I look forward to the many years of life shared with both of you! (And I expect to see these in PRINT, Belen Mercer!) Love you guys dearly!


Venue: Pineola Farms & The Duck Ponds at Lake Tobo
Make-up: Sarah Elizabeth Make-up Artistry

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  1. These are so precious. You have a true talent, Haley.

  2. Haley, I am LOVING your work!!! Seriously, so inspiring... you have a great eye! :)

  3. love the colors and the outfit!

  4. I love these pictures, Haley!
