
SPRING! // Ashli at Pineola Farms

So, every now and then I get a creative itch. Be it pinterest-inspired, seasonally inspired, or magazine inspired... it just springs up and I must quench it.

This time I was inspired by Spring brights and local blooms and--well--red heads. If I'm honest, the genetic attributes I would have requested from the Lord include red hair and fair skin. I've always been a fan.

And on that note, Ashli was the perfect model for this session. She was so natural in front of the camera... in as much to be willing to stand in the midst of bees and gnats to get the lovely floral shots (the things which often seem glamorous and effortless typically have a really entertaining back-story). And God's creation couldn't have been more accommodating... although I feel like that's the wrong wording.
He's amazing.


Thank you for trusting this random friend-of-friends to capture you impromptu on a warm, gnat-filled Spring day. I have to say that amidst all of the nuances that the warmth of Georgia brings, the evening was entirely enjoyable and so very successful. You are stunning. Your personality was vivacious and contagious--I loved getting to know you a bit! I look forward to the photo opportunities to come. Best of luck as you finish up school (yay!). Thanks for embarking on this new friendship.

Enjoy, friends.

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  1. Love it!! :) I'm a fan of the purple flowers!

  2. I love how all the leaves look so perfectly placed on the ground. These pictures are amazing.

  3. Beautiful, Haley! Love seeing all the wisteria!
