Nikki's a girl after my own heart. She has the most adorable thrift store wardrobe, has a true appreciation for art, and amazes me every time we talk with some kind of incredible wisdom on some particular subject. She's inspiration personified.
I was so stoked when she showed up to the session in this adorable mens-shirt-turned-bow-halter. It was one of those random warm days in a cold week, and she was able to wear the adorable halter, then change into a cozier wardrobe of sweater+jacket.
Nikki, from the first encounter of you, I knew you'd continue to be a bundle of ridiculous inspiration. And you are. With every conversation, picture, Facebook check-in, I find myself learning something new and wonderful (or challenging) about the world, faith, art, etc. Not to mention, you have an impeccable taste in music and the like. You are one cool kid. More than anything, what I seriously admire about you is your solidarity of faith. You stand so firmly on what you believe, what you know, what you're learning--your strength is contagious. I'm confident in saying you've challenged me through almost everyone of our conversations. Don't stop being you... whatever that means. ;)