

I will never forget that first phone call with Jessica. Her enthusiasm for photography--her professed love for my work--I was literally running out of breath talking because of my shared excitement. Oftentimes, I receive sweet e-mails from inquiring brides about my pricing or my availability... Jessica was not my average bride. As a fellow student/lover of photography, we talked about composition and working with light and shooting with film. I was enthused to be chosen by such an appreciative bride.

Needless to say, Jessica and MJ's engagement session could not get here soon enough. I was SO excited for all that Jessica had in store--location, outfits, ideas. I didn't have to worry about a thing--I could just harness the artist in me and capture the love that they shared. So wonderful. I love my job.

Jessica's makeup was done by the fabulous Sarah Elisabeth Makeup Artistry who just launched her website this week! Stop by her facebook and show her some likes love!


MJ and Jessica,
I mean it when I say that you are the reason I do what I do. Couples like you--totally (unashamedly) in love--who share my love for the art of photography... I just can't tell you what it means to be so valued. I have been so very eager to post your session since the day we shot it! So, here's to you! Here's to a fabulous 2013 and the Big Day in 2014 that is sure to be everything you've dreamed it would be! So much love for you two!

Enjoy, friends.

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