
Shadow Session | Elise

Today it was my great pleasure to spend the afternoon with Ms. Elise Colquitt. Elise is in the Girl Scout Cadette program, and in order to complete the process for earning her "Dreams to Reality" patch, she had to shadow someone currently working in a field that she desires to be involved with in the future. I was {more than} honored to be chosen, and ecstatic when I received the request from her mother, Elizabeth.

Thank you so much, Elise for allowing me this opportunity! I had a wonderful time today!

(And here's one of the pictures from our Mini Session--that of which Elise got to be a model, experience editing, downloading, packaging, and now, posting!)

Enjoy. {♥}

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1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful model:) And a beautiful picture! Fantastic Job Haley!! Thanks for investing in Elise!
