
Business Portraits | Lindsey Gilstrap

In more ways than one, Lindsey Gilstrap is a hero to me.

A.) Lindsey is attending Southeastern University. Southeastern was an iconic school for me growing up--their band, C2, was usually the worship band for church camp, and I found my dream of being a worship leader through their ministry. Needless to say, God chose a different path for me to get to where He destined me, but I have great respect for anyone who has been through their education program. Ask Lindsey, she can only sing their praises.

B.) Lindsey is a leader of volunteers who started as a volunteer. Great leaders are servants first... then always. Even in the small encounters I have enjoyed with Lindsey, her selfless heart shines through so effortlessly.

C.) Lindsey is on the journey of getting her doctorate. Yeah, really, that's all that needs to be said to make her a hero. I am amazed at anyone with a doctorate, or in the process of achieving the doctorate program. Such brilliance amazes me.

Which leads us to the pictures. Lindsey will soon be embarking on her thesis and is hoping to blog her studies along the way. She contacted me for pictures to represent her personality well on her blog, and I am SO pleased with the way this session turned out!

Enjoy, friends. {♥}

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  1. Yay! Yay! Yay! I love the photographs, Haley! You are an amazing artist and inspiring person! I am also humbled by all of the kind words that you shared and your kindness during the session. I feel honored to have worked with YOU actually. And yes, I do feel great love for Southeastern University. I am currently still enrolled there, working on a Master's in Ministerial Leadership and praying about where the road will lead next... :-)

  2. I LOVE these pictures!! Lindsey, you are adorable. :)
