Seriously, though.
I don't even think you're prepared for how wonderful this session is.
Rays of sunshine. Heart-melting hugs. Mother-and-son eskimo kisses.
On a side note completely, it's just been
one of those weeks. Last-minute moving (third floor), car wreck, dead phone every time you
really need it. With intentions of posting this session on Saturday (I can't really emphasize how excited I've been about sharing it with y'all!), Nicole has been nothing but gracious as I postponed the preview day after day. I've had so many friends/family shoot me encouragement after reading my whining facebook posts. I can't thank you enough.
Just because I feel like you should always find someway turn your discouragement into encouragement. So, I thought I should forward some of the sweet words given to me for those of you that might need some hope.
"I will hold myself to a standard of
grace not
"Keep your chin up. This too shall pass."
"Take heart--for Jesus has overcome the world."
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." [Matt. 6:34]"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you." [1 Peter 5:7]
"You're awesome."
And sometimes you just have to get a dry erase marker and write things on your mirror. Or change the background on your phone. Or put a sticky-note on your steering wheel. And sometimes you just have to inhale and exhale and know that your present circumstances are not permanent ones. In that string of "what else could go wrong", there are a lot of things going right... you just have to recognize them.
You will make it.
Back on subject, here are the lovely photos I've been so excited to share with you!
Nicole and family,
In complete honesty, I've been SO stinkin' excited about your session since the day I read your message. Your enthusiasm for my work was nothing short of humbling. I loved your ideas. Felt at home getting to shoot at one of my favorite locations. Thoroughly enjoyed capturing your family interact as the sun worked with us so kindly! Thank you for the opportunity to capture this season for you! Wishing you all the best as you continue in your personal and business endeavors!
Enjoy, friends.